Do your household bills need saving? Compare, change and save money on your health insurance, energy bills, home loans and life cover
Insurance broker, health insurance agency
Health Insurance Comparison gives you the low down on all things relevant to Australian private health insurance. Whether you’re just trying to get an idea of the market in general or you have a specific policy in mind, we’ll help you find what you’re looking for.
Our goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge you’ll need to thoroughly and decisively compare health insurance policies, whilst also giving you a rundown of other important stuff like medicare, premiums, hospital and extra cover, and much more!
Have a good look around our site, compare policies online and switch for better value.
Our health insurance experts are available online, via chat or a quick phone call away.
Service options: Online appointments
* Our average customer saved $300. 43 average savings based on 136, 746 customers between 1 Jan 2018 - 23 December 2022.
** Savings are calculated compared to the Energy Reference price for a single-rate energy meter based on Compare Club’s best offer as of 25th July 2024.
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